You Might Be The Killer (2019)


You Might Be The Killer (2019)
Dir: Brett Simons
Wir: Brett Simons, Covis Berzoyne, Thomas P. Vitale

Camp counselors have it rough nowadays. What with all the stabbings, gougings, head squeezing and general machete mayhem. Sure, the perks of drugs and sex are nice but are they worth a spear through one's duodenum?

Sam (Fran Kranz THE CABIN IN THE WOODS) has become intimately familiar with the former, not so much the later as the camp counselor is on the run from a masked killer. Desperately, as one would, trying to avoid the fate of his fellow counselors he ducks into a cabin to hide and call for help. Does he call the police? Park rangers? Nah, instead he calls his nerd best friend Chuck (Alyson Hannigan BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER). Relaying the horrendous news to her they brainstorm ideas on how he can survive the night. Trouble is, the more that Sam tells of the terrifying events of the last few hours, the more that Chuck suspects that Sam is the masked killer.

YOU MIGHT BE THE KILLER is a hip meta homage to the slasher genre. Like its seminal predecessor SCREAM and the legion of copycats that followed, it knows that the audience is well aware of all the horror tropes and is able to parlay that into a fun and thrilling film. Actors Kranz and Hannigan play off one another despite not sharing the same physical location. Together they bring a playfulness to what otherwise might have been not much more than a by the numbers gorefest. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I've certainly seen FRIDAY THE 13TH multiple times and played the arcade game SPLATTERHOUSE for hours.

Keith David has a cameo as the voice of a sheriff.

Gorey and fun? Sign me up for camp.

*** out of ****

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