Film Review: Dystopia (2018)

Dystopia (2018)
aka: Mad World
Director: Paul Tanter
Writer: Paul Robert Lingas

I couldn't do it. The strength to go on and see the film to the end by fast forwarding wasn't in me. After about twenty minutes I gave up watching DYSTOPIA. The DVD went back into its case never to be watched by my eyes again.

The film opens with narration and clips from this film, and what looks to be the television series, in a desperate attempt to engage the viewer. If you've seen the trailer it is more or less repeated here. In the year 2037 all women are infertile due to Biocorp tampering with nature. Not resting on their laurels the conglomerate takes control of the government. A band of plucky rebels accidentally create a time travel machine (!) and use the machine disguised as a tanning bed to travel to the year 2017. Why 2017? I don't know and I'm not sure if the filmmakers know either. Anyway, the rebels send back two men to find a way to stop Biocorp and save the future world.

The first man (Simon Phillips AGE OF THE LIVING DEAD) wants to kill every Biocorp employee in order to prevent future events. He sets on his mission by kidnapping an employee and forcing her to give him a list of everyone on the payroll. How he is planning on traveling the world and killing tens of thousands of people isn't explained. It's not explained either how killing some poor schmuck who works in the art department or janitorial services is necessary. The other guy (Michael Copon 247°F) thinks it is a bad plan and complains that a different path must be taken. He complains a lot. This is after they've somehow killed thousands of employees already. And if I'm not mistaken babies are on the hit list. Because they will grow up to be employees or something.

The film is confusing and tiring with a trailer that has scenes that aren't in the film.

Who is Michael Madsen portraying in the film? He sits around drinking in various locales shouting orders but I couldn't figure out who his character is.

Skip it.

1/2 * out of ****

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