Kill Zombie! (2012)

aka: Zombibi
Dir: Martijn Smits, Erwin van den Eshof

It is the best and worst day for Camp and Bell salary man Aziz (Yahya Gaier). The office hottie Tess (Nadia Poeschmann) has asked Aziz out for drinks after work. But his jealous manager overhears the proposal and fires Aziz using the excuse that Aziz's partying brother Mo (Mimoun Ouled Radi) has been calling too much. A despondent Aziz stops by the pool party Mo is at and the two run afoul of a couple of would be gang bangers, Jeffrey (Sergio Hasselbaink) and Nolan (Uriah Arnhem). Police are called to break up the fisticuffs, or more accurately macho posturing, and the four are hauled off to jail where tough no nonsense officer Kim (Gigi Ravelli) is in charge.

The next morning the prisoners awake to find the police station deserted and looking as if a bloody fight occurred and the Amsterdam neighbourhood in ruins.


After being attacked by strangely acting and oddly looking people and tuning into the news, they are able to piece together what happened over night. A Russian satellite crashed into a nearby building and the space virus it carried infected the populace turning them into green slime spewing zombies with a taste for human flesh.

Banding together the group hits a local sporting goods shop to gather weapons with the ultimate goal of reaching the perimeter of the quarantine area the authorities have set up. Aziz, learning that Tess is stranded at the office and threatened by the ghouls, strikes out to save her, a reluctant Kim following. The rest of the band is talked into robbing a bank by Joris (Noel Deelen) another prisoner from the jail.

With its mix of comedy, horror and zombies, KILL ZOMBIE!'s obvious influence is SHAUN OF THE DEAD. It doesn't come close to achieving the brilliance of the Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright loving homage to the zombie genre. It goes for the easy, tired joke. The main actors are likable enough and look like they were having a lot of fun on set. I enjoyed a Netherlands take on George Romero's zombie world, but I rarely laughed at the stupid antics.

** out of ****

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