From Romero To Rome: The Rise And Fall of the Italian Zombie Movie (2012)

FROM ROMERO TO ROME is an entertaining talking heads documentary that begins with the influential NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. NOTLD was far removed from the zombie films that preceded it (WHITE ZOMBIE, PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES) and that shift from zombies as slave labour to zombies as monsters craving flesh along with the success of its followup DAWN OF THE DEAD inspired the Italian zombie rip-off-thon that kicked off with Lucio Fulci's ZOMBIE. For fans of zombie films, like myself, there's no new information to be found and I've seen all the Italian films covered by the doc. But it was enjoyable reminisces by film critics and the creators of a time when a cheap knock-off bloody good romp of a film could be found on the shelves of one's local video shop.

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