Zombies (2017)

Zombies (2017)
Writer & Director: Hamid Torabpour

Oh look! Another zombie film. This one is so cliched and tired the filmmakers didn't even bother with setting up the zombie apocalypse world. The characters know they are up against the flesh eating dead, all of them calling the undead zombies, and know that to put them down for once and for all it takes a headshot. It's like even the characters have seen scores of zombie films, and just four weeks into the fall of civilization they all know the rules.

I must admit that I couldn't follow the plot. There's something about Luke (Steven Luke) and Sommers (Tony Todd star of the best remake of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD) teaming up with two zombie hunters Bena (Raina Hein) and Tala (Amanda Day) to stop a one eye villainess (Heidi Fellner) and save humanity but I'm not sure how they are to do that by running around blowing off zombie heads and dual wielding machetes. The villainess, who I thought was going to be the big boss of the film, is dispatched early leaving our intrepid heroes to defend a farm from a rampaging horde as the grand finale. It's almost like two zombie scripts were merged together poorly and no one bothered to maintain continuity or uniformity throughout. Amid all the CGI bloodshed I was wondering why characters acted like they've known one another for a long time but say that they've only just met.

The one light in this celluloid mess is Tony Todd. His role is an underwritten mess but he makes the best of it.

George Cameron Romero, yes he is the son of, is one of many producers.

Dale's Pale Ale, an excellent brew, makes an appearance.

Unless you need to see all of Tony Todd's films or just have to watch a six pack of Dale's Pale Ale appear on screen, skip this.

* 1/2 out of ****

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