Bloodsucking Bastards (2015)

Dir: Brian James O'Connell

Salary man Evan (Fran Kranz THE CABIN IN THE WOODS) is not having a good week. When girlfriend Amanda (Emma Fitzpatrick THE COLLECTION) professed her love for him, all he could choke out was a 'No!'. His slacker friend at work Tim (Joey Kern CABIN FEVER) is more interested in playing video games at work than helping Evan with the new product launch that could propel Evan from acting sales manager to sales manager. That glimmer of hope is then dashed when branch president Ted (Joel Murray GOD BLESS AMERICA) brings in the hard driving, charismatic Max (Pedro Pascal GAME OF THRONES) to usurp Evan as the next sales manager. And Max just happens to be a vampire.

To top it all off, Evan works for a company that sells shake weights and male enhancement products!

Oh, what a time to be Evan.

BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS is a horror comedy written and directed by members of the comedy troupe Dr. God. The emphasis is on comedy but once Evan and crew fight back against the vamps trying to turn or kill everyone in the office, blood is splashed everywhere. Neither the comedy nor the horror is all that effective. There are a couple of nicely done visual set ups but it wasn't enough to make up for the only mildly funny humour or my lack of interest in what happens to the characters.

** out of ****

Official web site

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