Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead (2014)

Dir: Kiah Roache-Turner

This is one fucked up Ozzie film.

There's not much plot to this frantic zombie film called a cross between MAD MAX 2 and DAWN OF THE DEAD. A meteor shower somehow turns part of the population into flesh eating ghouls. Survivor Barry (Jay Gallagher) teams up with a group of odd ball characters in his quest to rescue his sister Brooke (Bianca Bradey WRATH) who has been kidnapped by military men and is being experimented on by a pop music lovin' mad scientist. To say any more would give away the surprises and outrageous plot twists. It may not always make sense or even reside on the same continent as plausible but it was great fun to see what the film makers next had in store for the viewer.

I'm scratching my head what else to say about this mad cap, kinetic, gore soaked zombie film as the film is out there. See it.

*** out of ****

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