Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014)

aka: Død snø 2

Dir: Tommy Wirkola

Five years after DEAD SNOW was unleashed, co-writer and director Tommy (HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS) Wirkola is back with another gory heaping of Nazi zombies in DEAD SNOW 2. The sequal picks up right where the original ended with hapless, one armed Martin's (co-writer Vegar Hoel with noticeably less hair) vehicle surrounded by the Nazi commander Herzog and his squad of the undead. After a series of darkly comedic events, Martin has Herzog's arm as a replacement for his own (an arm for an arm as it says in scripture) and the ability to resurrect the dead. Utilizing the unique talents of his new friends, a gay military museum worker and the three person Zombie Squad from America, Martin sets out to resurrect the Russian prisoners of war that Herzog sentenced to death and enlist them in stopping Herzog's plan to decimate a nearby village.

Wirkola and company continue the blending of sophomoric and dark humour with outrageous violence that made both DEAD SNOW and HANSEL & GRETEL fun to watch (admittedly it took me a bit to warm up to the mismash of genres in HANSEL & GRETEL but that may have been due to it being unexpected from a mid level budget Hollywood film starring Jeremy Renner instead of a low budget horror film from Norway). The jokes do not always work but the bigger budget and Wirkola's gained experience from the past few years certainly helped flesh out the characters and better set up the jokes and grisly set pieces.

It's a bloody good show.

*** out of ****

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