Cabin Fever (2016)

Dir: Travis Zariwny

CABIN FEVER is a remake of Eli Roth's film from 2002 (!). Roth receives a writer and executive producer credit on this one.

Five young idiots rent a cabin on a lake and act like idiots as a flesh eating virus kills them slowly and painfully one by one.

Why remake a film that was released only fourteen years prior? Because of people like me. I rented the Blu-ray instead of staying well away from such a derivative and pointless film. I'm part of the problem. And this is not the first time I've rented an obvious cash grab. It will not be the last time either as I can't seem to learn the lesson.

The remake is a must see for those who were waiting for an inferior, brain dead copy of the original and completists of the idiots act like idiots horror genre.

*1/2 out of ****

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