Fright Rags horror T-shirts

When I'm not wearing business casual I can be found attired in a heavy metal T-shirt (Black Sabbath, Manowar) or a horror film T-shirt (my all time favourite being a TOMBS OF THE BLIND DEAD shirt put out by The Video Junkie). Yes, I am that middle aged man with gray hair and shorts you see shambling around and wonder when they'll start to wear age appropriate clothing. Until that day I start wearing a wind breaker in summer because the breeze cuts right to my bones, I'll continue to proudly wear a SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH shirt in public.

As a number of my shirts wore out recently due to the multitude of wearings and me finally able to cope with tossing them (good bye HAIL TO ENGLAND!) I was in the market. I had heard about Fright Rags for some time, and had seen their adverts in HORROR HOUND magazine, but it wasn't until I read a positive posting on USENET about them that I made up my mind to purchase a couple of tees. I would have ordered many more as Fright Rags has a fantastic selection but two seemed like a good number to try out of their product.

My first pick, and probably greatly influenced by a planned camping trip two weeks out, was THE WICKER MAN. The second pick was a RE-ANIMATOR shirt based on the film. Both shirts look incredible, the artwork and use of colour are amazing. I cannot say enough about how good looking the shirts are.

The Fright Rags web site is simple to navigate and use but what blew me away was how fast they shipped the shirts. The package was in my hands a few days later. Included with the shirts was a Halloween goody bag (it'll be sent out with orders shipping in October) that included a coupon for 10% off (I was not one of the lucky ones to win a gift card), a tattoo, a piece of candy and a spider ring. Goofy shit but a nice touch.

The only negative to the shirts, and this is after wearing them and washing them once, is that the material feels a bit thin. I do not know thread counts or if that is the difference but the other shirts I have feel thicker, seem heavier. I am curious if it'll make a difference in the longevity of the shirts.

Overall, I'm very happy with the shirts and eyeing their RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD design.

Fright Rags web site

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