Let Us Prey (2014)

Dir: Brian O'Malley

LET US PREY is a British / Irish co-production and one of those films where it is best to know as little about the film as possible before viewing. I'll try not to spoil it.

Tonight is PC Rachel Heggie's (Pollyana Mcintosh THE WOMAN) first shift on the Inveree police force and things are already off to a bad start. Walking to work she witnesses a reckless driver run over a pedestrian. But when she and the driver go to aid the man he can't be found. Despite the protests of the driver about a lack of a body, Heggie arrests him and carts him off to the police station where he is well known due to past infractions and run ins with the law. Heggie is introduced to the other constables, the Sergeant and the prisoners. The man Heggie thought run over earlier (Liam Cunningham DOG SOLDIERS) walks into the station looking a bit bewildered. The night is about to get interesting for constables and villains.

First time director Brian O'Malley and writers David Cairns and Fiona Watson use familiar elements from other films, the police officer starting a new job at night from ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, the mysterious stranger entering a police station from THE TRAVELLER, and saying more would be saying too much, and make them their own in this thriller not afraid to splash around some blood and show graphic gore. Heggie is the viewer's anchor as the plot unfolds and McIntosh does a fine job of portraying a woman who is both strong and vulnerable. Cunningham is Cunningham and excels at oozing menace.

LET US PREY is an entertaining horror thriller; recommended.

*** out of ****

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