The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry (2010)

Dir: Angel Agudo

Mick Garris hosts this documentary about the life and films of Spanish actor and film maker Jacinto Molina (Paul Nashy), most famous for his werewolf films. At a bit over an hour long there isn't time for in depth discussion of the man but it does provide a nice overview of his many trials and tribulations that can be augmented by reading his autobiography, MEMOIRS OF A WOLFMAN.

The documentary covers from the birth of Jacinto, to his family fleeing north in an attempt to avoid the Spanish Civil War, his love of body building and his first through last steps into the filmmaking world. The usual, for this type of documentary, talking heads put in an appearance (John Landis, Joe Dante), as do Spanish film makers who followed in his footsteps (Nacho Cerda) and those who acted alongside or were directed by him (Caroline Munro, Jack Taylor). The highlight though is hearing the tale of Jacinto as told by his wife Elvira Primavera and his two sons Sergio and Bruno. We never hear Jacinto's voice outside of film clips (stayed tuned until the credits end for the only time Jacinto speaks to the viewer) but we see the world he was born into and lived in via photographs, newsreels and the words of his loving family; it's very touching.

*** out of ****

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