The Liberator (2013)

aka: Libertador
Dir: Alberto Arvelo

With a tagline stating that Simon Bolivar 'fought over 100 battles against the Spanish Empire' and a poster that featured soldiers with raised weapons I rented the film thinking it would be an historical epic depicting the clash of thousands. Director Alberto Arvelo's biographical THE LIBERATOR is a bit more bio and drama than action.

Edgar Ramirez (DELIVER US FROM EVIL) stars as Simon Bolivar, who was born in Venezuela in 1785 to a wealthy family and partially educated in Europe. Through Venezuelan teachers and mentors and ideals encountered while in Europe, Bolivar became passionate about not only freeing Venezuela from Spanish rule but uniting all of South America. The film places emphasis on the time in Bolivar's life where his passion turned to rebellion and the guerrilla style actions fought against the Spanish. There are a number of action set pieces but only the final depicted battle approaches a grand scope.

Well shot and well made, THE LIBERATOR is an entertaining Hollywood style history lesson that never managed to completely win me over or stir my heart to free Venezuela.

** 1/2 out of ****

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